Animal, Bird, Creature, Plant, Cook, Wallpaper ...
Main Exhibition

in Old Japanese Style

alphabet and number
Upper-case Letter, Lower-case Letter, Number ...
Pictorial Letters

angel vs. devil
Angel, Devil ...
Tiny Cartoon Character

web parts
Pictorial Sign, Icon Suite, Mini Icon ...
to Create Webpages

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Happa's HAKUBUTSUKAN ,Free ClipArt
Guide to Happa's HAKUBUTSUKAN
Since June 01, 2000
Last update : July 23, 2000
What's New?
Welcome =)
Happa's HAKUBUTSUKAN is an art museum on the Net, that contains 350 over Original ClipArts.
All cliparts can be used for FREE !!
# HAKUBUTSUKAN, is meaning of "museum", in Japanese language.

Thank you for your mail

Your feedback very pleased me!
I have intention to adopt received request and suggestions, then further improve this site.

Though I haven't written back except for the query, because I simply had no time to write, extremely busy on business...

And I'm sorry for the delay in updating.
Thank you for your understanding.

March 23, 2002   Katz   


More Information ...
Are you unfamiliar with Happa's HAKUBUTSUKAN?
If so, please read "Guide to Happa's HAKUBUTSUKAN" page, that is an information center of this site. Also that page includes the instructions for the usage of the cliparts.

General index | Guide | Self Portrait | Contact Me

Copyright © Katz/Happa's HAKUBUTSUKAN 1999 - 2003 , Japan